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The Rings of Life

Anchor 1

Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

The labyrinth's intricate passages symbolize the diverse trajectories of life, with each fork in the road representing the myriad choices individuals encounter. Some decisions may seem inconsequential, while others possess the power to shape one's destiny. The labyrinthine design conveys the essence of three distinct life paths:
The Direct Path:
Those on this route swiftly reach their destination, following the most efficient and shortest path. It signifies a triumphant journey, often regarded as the path of life's winners.
The Path in Vain:
Travelers on this route frequently make misguided choices, meandering in search of their destination. Despite earnest efforts, they may fall short and, at the next intersection, find themselves admiring the scenery without reaping the fruits of victory.

The Bumpy Path: While individuals on this challenging route face obstacles, they possess the resilience to adjust their course, persist until the end, and ultimately emerge victorious. This path encapsulates the notion that overcoming adversity leads to a triumphant outcome.
The Rings of Life installation invites par ticipants to contemplate these symbolic life journeys, encouraging reflection on the diverse ro u t e s we n av i g a t e . I t s e r v e s a s a p o i g n a n t reminder that life's choices, challenges, and triumphs contribute to the intricate tapestry of our existence."

Beijing  Tel:+86 10 5893 0245

Fax:+86 10 5893 0246

Room 1402, Central Building, Haidian District, Beijing

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